
My photo
Portland, OR
PFBF is giving not only Midwives & Doula's but whole families a voice in the birth center & home birth community, supporting one another on birth journey's past, present & future. Our goals are to identify & inform women about common misconceptions regarding pregnancy and birth & fight for every woman to birth wherever she chooses! Here you'll also find the latest statistics and links to articles, books, Midwives, Midwifery schools, Birth/Midwifery/Unassisted birth blogs and websites, birth supplies, postpartum support & more. (All of the above is a work in progress, please pardon our dust!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Please stand by........

Push For Birth Freedom is currently researching data, organizing links and preparing for all you momma's and poppa's out there.
We're simultaneously putting together www.pushforbirthfreedom.com and building up this blog, so keep checking back for the latest.

I'm so glad you've found us, welcome to our village!